Tag: blogger

Is the House Hunters TV Show Fake?

Okay so I can’t really speak about the actual show itself known as House Hunters and its international version, House Hunters International, but I can most definitely speak about shows which are similar to it, albeit it must be conceded that House Hunters itself is probably…

Is Your Home Really an Investment?

As a real estate agent myself, looking at this from an us-versus-them point of view would effectively render it a rather threatening question to the livelihood of a typical estate agent, but then again I’m not a typical real estate agent, am I? I strongly believe…

Spill-Over Careers in the Real Estate Industry

Based solely on my less-than-traditional, unconventional approach to the real estate business, I think it’s safe to say that I’m not the typical real estate agent. It was never about trying to be some sort of renegade or anything of the sort, but rather just seeking…

The Best Time to Buy Property

Every so often I get some really great questions about the real estate industry and this makes me feel vindicated for having chosen to play a little bit of a different role in the real estate industry. I definitely love to think of myself as an…

The Future of the Real Estate Industry

I mean this with no intentions to offend anyone at all, but the truth is that the real estate industry is one of those old establishments by way of how business models operate, so naturally it’s filled with more senior members than younger ones. Those of…

How AirBnB Affects Your Household Insurance

AirBnB is indeed one of the top technology disruptions introduced to any industry, which in this case as you’d know is the property monetization industry that is being disrupted. This affects spill-over markets such as the hospitality industry and a huge chunk of the tourism sector…